Performance Review Tips to Drastically Move the Needle

Performance review season is over. Phew. Feedback is given and objectives are set. But are you satisfied? Has another year of tremendous work writing reviews and providing feedback left you feeling like nothing will change? Are you waiting hopefully for your ”B” players to become ”A” players and your “A” players to knock it out…

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Be Fearless and Get on The Right Ski

Sometimes, we need to slow down and think. It’s in reflection that we begin to make meaning of the things that have come at us so fast that all we can do is either duck or grab hold and deal with what’s coming at us. The last several years have been a bit like that…

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Quiet Quitting: Ways CEOs Can Stop the Trend

Are you worried that some percentage of your workforce is checked out? You’ve probably heard of ‘quiet quitting’, but how can you be sure it isn’t happening in your organization? I view engaged employees as those who act like they own the place even when the boss is not around. Are your employees engaged or…

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