Eggers Edge

Resenteeism: Unproductive and Resentful Employees

Are you tired of hearing about “quiet quitting” (the latest trend where employees stay on your payroll but do the bare minimum because they are burned out and feeling underappreciated)? Does part of you keep thinking these snowflakes need to buck up and work? Well, wait until you hear about…

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Rising Above Assimilation: Why Traditional Plans No Longer Work

When taking on a new position, senior leaders often grapple with the challenge of finding the most effective way to transition into executive roles.  You want to demonstrate visible leadership fast…to drive the change you were hired to make, but you don’t want to alienate the team around you. The…

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Performance Review Tips to Drastically Move the Needle

Performance review season is over. Phew. Feedback is given and objectives are set. But are you satisfied? Has another year of tremendous work writing reviews and providing feedback left you feeling like nothing will change? Are you waiting hopefully for your ”B” players to become ”A” players and your “A”…

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Be Fearless and Get on The Right Ski

Sometimes, we need to slow down and think. It’s in reflection that we begin to make meaning of the things that have come at us so fast that all we can do is either duck or grab hold and deal with what’s coming at us. The last several years have…

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Quiet Quitting: Ways CEOs Can Stop the Trend

Are you worried that some percentage of your workforce is checked out? You’ve probably heard of ‘quiet quitting’, but how can you be sure it isn’t happening in your organization? I view engaged employees as those who act like they own the place even when the boss is not around.…

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Unwritten Ways To Get Promoted

As a senior executive coach, I work with high-performing executives at a variety of companies across many different industries. Admittedly, most are large companies with a few exceptions. One of the most rewarding things about this job is the ability to see patterns and help clients see around “corners” so…

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5 Expectations of the C-Suite

Are you running a company and wondering what expectations you can have for your team? Do you sometimes scratch your head and wonder if they really “get” it? Or do you ever feel like you’re playing whack-a-mole trying to resolve issues that should never get to the CEO in the…

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5 Ways To Attract & Retain Employees without Ping Pong Tables

Ping Pong

Are you struggling to retain employees? There is no question that the market for talent is tough. If you’ve been trying to recruit great people, you know that it’s not showing any sign of letting up. But as we level off from the pandemic chaos, we have reached an inflection…

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Forget DEI As We Know It

Want to make a relevant DEI Statement? Are you tired of struggling with what to say about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues? Do you care about the environment, social justice, and the good of the world, but don’t want to dive headfirst into a political debacle? What do you…

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6 Critical Conversations Senior Teams Need to Have About ChatGPT

Introducing ChatGPT

Is the buzz you are hearing about ChatGPT increasing to the point where it is difficult to ignore? Are conversations about how to leverage it met with confusion? What are the legal implications? Are you beginning to fear that your competition will beat you to the table on something you…

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Preserving Cash without Losing Sight of the Big Picture: A CEO’s Guide to Navigating Economic Uncertainty

Preserving cash during turbulent times is a critical task for CEOs, but they must also ensure that they do not become penny wise and pound foolish as the repercussions of that can last long after the turbulence subsides. Here are a few things CEOs and other senior leaders should keep…

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“Organizational Resilience” Takes Top Billing at Davos

Organizational Resilience at World Economic Forum in Davos

“Organizational Resilience” Takes Top Billing at Davos One of the most exciting things for me as an advisor to the c-suite in large multinationals and mid-size companies is comparing the patterns I see with my clients each year to the themes coming out of the World Economic Forum in Davos,…

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Integrating Into a Team With a Strong Legacy (A.K.A. making change without alienating them)

Taking the reins as an incoming senior leader in an established organization with a deep legacy and a strong team can be a daunting experience. If you’ve ever worked at a place like Delta Airlines, AutoZone, Walmart, or Coca Cola, you know what I mean. As a leader who knows…

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Thriving in the Storm: Why Senior Corporate Leaders Need Executive Advisors During Economic Downturns

As the world economy continues to provide a test of resilience and adaptability for businesses, senior corporate leaders find themselves under immense pressure to navigate their organizations through turbulent times. These times demand foresight, strategic thinking, and the ability to make tough decisions. An executive advisor can offer invaluable support…

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Even Great Leaders Need A Coach

Even Great Leaders Need A Coach

You think you’re a pretty good senior leader. Your people seem to like you (at least they say they do). Results and performance reviews are good, and you receive the occasional accolade. Maybe you’ve even had a recent promotion or two and there isn’t a lot of negative feedback. Why…

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What’s Your Legacy? Are You A Value-Add or a Seat Warmer?

What Will Be Your Legacy

A Human Resources executive walks into a bar with a duck on their head. One of the long-time customers, though a bit intoxicated, recognizes the difference between a hat and a duck and shouts, “… you’ve got a duck on your head. The HR executive calmly replies, “… of course,…

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