RapidOD Organizational Alignment

Fast, Collaborative, Sustainable Organizational Design

Organizational Design

Imagine building an organizational structure that aligns people to deliver the capabilities required to drive your corporate strategy in a two day session…then imagine implementing it with minimal disruption.

That’s what we do.

For years, the IT industry has designed software using the Rapid Application Design (RAD) process to get the best thinking from their business clients. LeaderShift Insights, Inc. has taken the best of this concept – true collaborative thinking driven by business strategy – and applied Organizational Design science to it. This resulted in an innovative new organization design process ideal for corporate restructuring. The process is extremely collaborative and results in one or two potential organizational structures that are both effective and workable for everyone involved in 8-16 hours.

Align Organization Structure

RapidOD Organizational Alignment

Capability Based Organizational Design

  • Alignment around 1-2 potential organization structures that everyone in the room views as effective and viable
  • Wiring concerns, impacts, risks, critical success factors and constraints identified
  • Pros and cons of each clearly identified
  • (» 1-2 day workshop)

The RapidOD Organization Design Process

RapidOD is a workshop-based approach to designing organizational structure, led by either a third party or the HR Generalist with participation from key leaders in the business or function being redesigned. Powerful results occur when key people come together to think through an org. design in a business focused, structured and scientific (yet painless) way.

This approach works because it starts with the customer, the strategy and capabilities required to drive it, rather than boxes on a page. It is conversational and in our experience, the dialogue alone builds alignment among the team.


The program involves key people in the affected business or function in a facilitated session. This leverages everyone’s best thinking and eliminates the need to get alignment after the fact because everyone had input into creating it.

More Information


With this process, it is realistic to expect an outcome of one or two potential new organization structures, risks, relevant trade-offs, critical success factors and some reasonable next steps in a one day session.

Ready to get to work?

LeaderShift Insights®, Inc. is a firm with deep experience optimizing corporate performance at some of the most successful and recognized brands in the world. We'd be happy to help you think through next steps.