The Eggers Edge

Integrating Into a Team With a Strong Legacy (A.K.A. making change without alienating them)

Taking the reins as an incoming senior leader in an established organization with a deep legacy and a strong team can be a daunting experience. If you’ve ever worked at a place like Delta Airlines, AutoZone, Walmart, or Coca Cola, you know what I mean. As a leader…

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Thriving in the Storm: Why Senior Corporate Leaders Need Executive Advisors During Economic Downturns

As the world economy continues to provide a test of resilience and adaptability for businesses, senior corporate leaders find themselves under immense pressure to navigate their organizations through turbulent times. These times demand foresight, strategic thinking, and the ability to make tough decisions. An executive advisor can offer…

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Even Great Leaders Need A Coach

Even Great Leaders Need A Coach

You think you’re a pretty good senior leader. Your people seem to like you (at least they say they do). Results and performance reviews are good, and you receive the occasional accolade. Maybe you’ve even had a recent promotion or two and there isn’t a lot of negative…

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What’s Your Legacy? Are You A Value-Add or a Seat Warmer?

What Will Be Your Legacy

A Human Resources executive walks into a bar with a duck on their head. One of the long-time customers, though a bit intoxicated, recognizes the difference between a hat and a duck and shouts, “… you’ve got a duck on your head. The HR executive calmly replies, “……

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