Who is Jennifer?
Jennifer is the President of LeaderShift Insights® Inc. and a C-level executive coach. She works with senior leaders and organizations dealing with disruptive change who want to increase their capacity to adapt so they can emerge stronger and more effective faster. An international consultant, coach, best-selling author, and speaker, Jennifer has a passion for creating alignment and organizational resilience. She is a masterful facilitator known for creating shared agendas and unraveling tough issues that hinder results.
With a unique ability to align diverse stakeholders and global experience in consulting and corporate roles, Jennifer’s integrated approach to creating alignment, develops leaders at all levels while enabling learning and productive dialog. She is the creator of RapidOD, a collaborative fast approach to organization restructuring, highly charged workshops on Influence, Resilience and Driving Sustainable Change.
With nearly 30 years of executive coaching experience in over half the 50 states and 16 countries, Jennifer has coached entire leadership teams as well as officers and directors of many Fortune 500 companies. She is known for repositioning personal brands, driving behavior change and increasing senior leader’s ability to drive performance through others. Her book, Resilience: It’s Not About Bouncing Back is an international best seller.
Jennifer is a former Partner with Cambridge Leadership Group, Vice-President, Leadership Development & Learning for Bank of America and has held several other senior roles in Learning, Organization & Leadership Development at AutoZone and Coca-Cola Enterprises. She has designed and executed large-scale initiatives including mergers, enterprise restructuring, talent management, performance-management and team development. Her kitchen English approach and proprietary research backed solutions resonate equally well from the shop floor to facilitating complex strategy and issues resolution sessions with C-Level Executives. She is a Strategic Partner with University of Georgia Executive Education, an Advanced Practitioner in Adaptive Leadership, and a member of the Adaptive Leadership Network at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Areas of Expertise: Organizational Resilience, Adaptive Leadership, Leadership & Executive Development, Personal Branding, Organization Design / Restructuring, Strategic Conversations, Strategy Execution, Talent Management, Change Enablement, Adult Learning, Organization Development, Creating Alignment, Team Development, Merger Integration
Certifications: CSP® (Certified Speaking Professional™), Certified Executive Coach, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan for Selection, Culture Types Assessment, Advanced Practitioner in Adaptive Leadership

Fun Facts About Jennifer
Former champion water-skier, tournament judge, driver, and now, coach
Worked for nearly a year in Santo Domingo learning Spanish on the fly
Avid Fly Fisher & Master Scuba Diver
Vice President of the Wally Byam Airstream Club Keystone Unit
Gourmet foodie
Is owned by a Devon Rex and a Champion Peterbald cat
Fronted the Harmony Station bluegrass band
Bleeds blue and white for Penn State
What Others Say…
Really hit home on how to shift into true leadership
By Jennifer Eggers
How Leaders and Organizations Can Build Resilience Before Disruption Hits