
3 Strategies Organizations Need To Succeed In 2021

3 Strategies Organizations Need To Succeed In 2021

As we face another year of adapting to disruption and driving growth in a landscape of rapid change organizations and leaders need these 3 strategies to set themselves up for success.

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How To Prepare For Disruption

The Year Of Disruption

Predictions tell us that 2020 will be the year of disruption. Is your team prepared? If your confidence is a bit shaky, now is the time to get ready.

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The Secret To Alignment

Picture of Alignment

What Alignment Looks Like Is your team 100% aligned around your organization’s goals for 2019? Are you absolutely certain that you are making the right or “bests” projects to drive change and build organizational muscle? Can you deliver with what you have been budgeted, or less? If you are not…

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The Single Most Important Characteristic of Leaders

I recently had the honor of closing Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business’s Executive MBA Alumni Summit. I realized that the audience would be full of people with enough leadership potential to have their MBA paid for by a company and enough stick-to-it-iveness to get that work done while juggling…

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5 Tipping Points Where Mergers Fail

One Too Many Mergers? Strong economies bring growth which inherently brings change. To achieve growth, there has been a significant increase in mergers and acquisitions over the last several years. While mergers and acquisitions clearly grow organizations, there are unintended consequences that can limit and, in some cases, undermine growth.…

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Blasting Personal Agendas

The Number 1 Way to Blast Personal Agendas Have you been in a meeting when personal agendas take over? Usually, everyone politely ignores Fred, the VP who’s gunning to expand his empire a bit further, all while hoping someone ‘above’ will reign him in. It’s hard not to think of…

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