LEADERSHIP 5 Step Assimilation Plan

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Studies show, the majority of companies, even with strategic HR and sophisticated talent development, leave new executives to fend for themselves, failing to provide the kind of executive on-boarding that ensures successful cultural and leadership assimilation.

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In an economy where margins are tight, effectively assimilating executives into new leadership roles is more critical than ever before.

  • Reduce time to full productivity by 40%.
  • How HR can set up new executives for early success and visible leadership faster
  • Earn trust and gain buy-in from your employees for intentional integration into the current culture with less disruption and drama


LEADERSHIP 5 Step Assimilation Plan

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Join us for this "straight to the point" actionable webinar to help you develop your 5 step assimilation plan for engaging your new team in your new role.

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Host: Jennifer Eggers of
LeaderShift Insights®, Inc.

Jennifer Eggers

Jennifer Eggers

Jennifer, President of LeaderShift Insights®, Inc., is an expert in creating alignment across disparate teams and increasing organizations' capacity to adapt in the face of disruption.

A Few of Our Clients

Also from Jennifer Eggers:

Resilience: It’s Not About Bouncing Back

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Resilience: It’s Not About Bouncing Back book

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