Leadership Secrets for Every CFO

Resilience & Change Agility for Global Finance Leaders

Resilience & Change Agility: 100 Global Finance Leaders Can’t Be Wrong At one global company, equipping leaders to increase resilience and adaptive leadership in the face of rapid, disruptive change has strengthened the partnership between Finance and the business it supports. Recently, over 100 Finance leaders from twenty countries convened for a three-day conference to…

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The Secret of Adaptive Leadership

Secrets of Adaptive Leadership: The Antidote to VUCA

Adaptive Leadership: The Antidote to VUCA VUCA. The acronym that reminds us we live and work in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world. As if we needed reminding. I don’t think we have one client that isn’t trying to compensate for the pace of rapid, disruptive change, whether it be through restructuring, prioritization, building…

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Secrets to The Most Compelling HR Strategy

Compelling HR Strategy Secrets

Which comes first: Human Resource Strategy or Business Strategy? We know intuitively that the Business Strategy must come first, yet how well do we in Human Resources truly understand the business strategy and its implications for our own HR Strategy when we must ensure that our business clients are equipped to plan and deliver our…

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The Bully in the Boardroom

Bully in the boardroom

Is There a Bully in Your Boardroom? If you’ve been in corporate America very long, you have probably met a bully in the boardroom.  They exist at every level and it is surprising how many actually get to the boardroom. Often it’s narcissists who believe it’s their duty to rule the world. For example, the…

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Adaptive Leadership: Leading Without a Map

Adaptive leadership - leading without a map

Adaptive Leadership Do leaders really know where they’re going? In today’s ever-changing business environment, even the most seasoned leaders cannot always anticipate the waves of rapid, disruptive change that seem to crash at every turn. Of course, there are still stable industries, but even the stodgiest of those are working to be more innovative. Why?…

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4 Tricks: Asking Questions To Drive Strategy

Asking strategic questions to create value

Do Your Questions Drive Strategy? Becoming a “strategic partner” has become a bit of a cliché.  It’s a tired phrase that is often ill defined and confusing, particularly to people so focused on the day-to-day, transactional work of getting things done. It’s easy to ask the right questions when we know the content; however, it can…

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Does Your HR Budget Drive Business Strategy?


Are you spending your Human Resources budget on HR capabilities that drive strategy? All executives are accountable for budgets.  How sure are you that your HR budget aligns scarce resources to drive the HR capabilities required to execute strategy? Do your internal clients complain that they are not getting the best value for their Human Resource investment?…

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Beat Up from Restructuring? The Antidote to the Aftermath

Creating linkages and governance to make new organizational structures work

Have you ever seen a corporate restructuring where the dots didn’t connect? After all the angst that comes with organization design, have you ever felt like there was: Work that wasn’t missed until it went undone? Hand-offs between processes that don’t go smoothly? Critical decisions no one was empowered to make? Uncertainty around who was doing (or…

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The Shocking Truth About Faith In The Workplace

Uh oh. The topic everyone avoids in the work place. I did too until I realized how important it is to great leadership. Leadership is hard. It is lonely at the top and anyone who leads others gets stuck in difficult situations from time to time. It’s what leaders sign up for when they step…

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Resilience: It’s Not About Bouncing Back

When you ask the question, what is resilience, the first and most common thing people usually say is, bouncing back. Or maybe, bouncing back from adversity. It seems to be the common understanding. It is also one I would dispute. Have you ever watched a ball bounce?  Let’s just say you stand on a tall…

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Part One: The True Cost of Misplaced Humor

This year I have had the dubious honor of sitting in several employee meetings lead by CEOs. These are always fun to watch and are great places to learn a bit about leadership. I remember early in my career watching Larry Bossidy at AlliedSignal take open questions from the audience. He was as adept at…

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Moving To Next

Dr. Michael Jenkins is a long-time colleague with tremendous insight into issues involving leadership and self-development. LeaderShift Authentic Insights, Inc. is proud to featured him here as a guest blogger. We hope you will enjoy the benefit of his experience.- Jennifer Eggers Ever feel stuck? Unable to act? Unsure about what you should do next?…

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Organization Design: How Many Is A Crowd?

At the start of every organization design project, if I am lucky, I am asked, ‘who really should be involved in this?’ If I am unlucky, there is an assumption that building the design will only involve one or two senior leaders. Unlucky in this case, usually makes for a very long project and a…

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Can We Really Trust Performance Management?

One of my smaller clients recently asked me if they should consider an automated performance management system. You know the type – for a huge investment, employees can enter their objectives, managers approve them, and then self appraisals and manager performance appraisals are done right in the system. The same system can be used to…

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Building Career Paths…Without Breaking The Bank

Are your people asking for a career path? Many companies are trying to build career paths because people are crying for them. It’s usually in response to an engagement survey and done with a fair amount of urgency because employees are upset that they don’t have a proverbial career path. Some have spent millions of…

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What’s So Global About Global Leadership?

I was recently approached by a friend doing an executive search for a Global Organization Development/Leadership Development role. He knows a lot about this field and has done a ton of recruiting, and he called to ask me what makes a candidate ‘global.’ What is the difference between a regular OD/LD person and a ‘global’…

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What’s So Global About Global Leadership?

I was recently approached by a friend doing an executive search for a Global Organization Development/Leadership Development role. He knows a lot about this field and has done a ton of recruiting, and he called to ask me what makes a candidate ‘global.’ What is the difference between a regular OD/LD person and a ‘global’…

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Getting Out of the Middle

Little good ever comes from being in the middle. It’s an awkward place to be. Yet many of us seem to spend an awful lot of time there. Some of us are even paid to be there. This should resonate if you’ve ever had a customer and a boss. Being in the middle often looks…

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People Just Don’t Get It

As I help leaders find success in the face of more and more situations they are often unprepared for (reference in my last post), there is frequently a mounting frustration with people who just, ‘don’t get it.’ These seemingly clueless ones range from direct reports, to leadership, to customers and peers. They are all over…

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People Just Don’t Get It

As I help leaders find success in the face of more and more situations they are often unprepared for (reference in my last post), there is frequently a mounting frustration with people who just, ‘don’t get it.’ These seemingly clueless ones range from direct reports, to leadership, to customers and peers. They are all over…

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Demystifying Change

Get it right the first time. You can’t afford not to. That’s what enabling large scale organizational change is all about. The problem is that ‘change management’ like one of those guys on the side of the road with a grocery cart. It carries an awful lot of baggage that smells funny and most people…

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What You Know May No Longer Apply

As I talk to clients, there are a couple really prevalent issues that are holding corporations back in today’s economy. These are issues that will require people to think differently to solve them. For years, we’ve tried to do things better, faster and cheaper. And while that is still critical, it has become the ticket…

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Driving Effective Change – That Changes Things

Last week we talked about why Change Models Don’t Drive Change and left off with the two things you absolutely have to get right to ensure that a large scale organization change is implemented effectively. Those precious two things are Leadership alignment and tools. Today we’ll expand on what it takes to get them right.…

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Change Models Don’t Drive Change

When I talk to prospective clients, I get a lot of questions around what change model I recommend. That’s an interesting question because after 20 years of driving and leading large scale strategic organizational change, what I’ve really learned is that it doesn’t matter. I’ll admit that during those 20 years, I’ve gone round and…

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Driving Performance Through Others

When I think of what it means to grow and develop talent outside of a formal process, it’s really about improving your ability to drive better performance through others. That starts with understanding each person’s strengths and development needs, how those can be leveraged to meet the goals of the team, and having candid conversations…

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Make People Marketable – So They’ll Stay

Any consultant will tell you that 2009 was a disaster. It probably goes on record as the worst nightmare for anyone doing training or leadership development in the US, myself included. But something happened that year that fascinates me to no end. At the time, I was a partner with a global firm. In the…

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Make People Marketable – So They'll Stay

Any consultant will tell you that 2009 was a disaster. It probably goes on record as the worst nightmare for anyone doing training or leadership development in the US, myself included. But something happened that year that fascinates me to no end. At the time, I was a partner with a global firm. In the…

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